ANBI status
More about our ANBI status
De Bildung Academie has been classified by the tax authorities as an Institution for General Benefit (ANBI). This means that we are at least 90% committed to the common good.
Board composition
The Bildung Academy has a body established by law: the foundation board. The board currently consists of Michiel Tolman (president), Durk Gardenier (treasurer) and Dylan Vianen (secretary).
In addition, The Bildung Academy has an executive team, and several executive bildung professionals and several builders (volunteers) who are responsible for operational activities.
Further design
The members of the Foundation Board receive no remuneration for their work as board members of The Bildung Academy. Board members can only claim expenses incurred from De Bildung Academie.
If board members perform work for the foundation in another capacity, it is possible that a separate remuneration will be paid. This is always equivalent to remuneration for non-board members.
The foundation board binds the foundation and controls its financial management in collaboration with its financial partners, such as payroll administrator People & Payment and financial administrator De Jong Administratie. The directors of the foundation have equal voting rights. None of them can dispose of the foundation's assets as if they were their own. The foundation's financial administration (including preparation of the annual figures) and payroll administration are outsourced to a third party.
The executive team is employed by The Bildung Academy Foundation and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the academy. The salary is in accordance with the legal salary scales for (university) education (cao-NU).
Other professionals of The Bildung Academy are hired on the basis of an x-hours contract or contracted through 'agreement of assignment'. Any compensation herein is also related to the above salary scales. The Bildung Academie is a non-profit foundation. All resources are used to achieve its mission of general benefit.
Apart from a buffer to meet obligations, to be able to absorb setbacks (especially also in the context of COVID-19 and the consequent cancellation of physical bildung programs) and in order to ensure the continuity of the foundation, the foundation does not seek to build up assets.The foundation's funds are managed by Triodos bank, partly because we support the bank's mission: "to make money work for a nicer society."
Support us
Will you support us to continue our activities needed to realize our mission?
You can donate through:
IBAN: NL06 TRIO 0390 1042 48
RSIN: 854933992
Statutory data
The Bildung Academy Foundation
Chamber of Commerce number: 62728954
RSIN/fiscal number: 854933992
VAT number: 854933992B01